Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is the service only offered in Izmir?

The main office of our law firm is located in Izmir. However, we offer our services through our affiliated attorneys throughout Turkey, particularly in cities such as Istanbul, Izmir, Ankara, and Antalya. This enables us to provide our services seamlessly nationwide.

Do you offer additional services that are not mentioned on the website?

The services listed on the website represent the focus/practice areas of our law firm. If you require information about other legal services, please contact us directly.

Do the documents I send need to be translated into Turkish? Do you take care of the translation process?

Every document submitted in a foreign language must be translated into Turkish. The sworn translators in our office will be happy to assist you in this matter.

How can I authorise the law firm Caner & Can to act on my behalf?

After consulting with our law firm, you will be asked to provide us with a power of attorney that covers the legal proceedings to be pursued by our firm. In Turkey, it is not possible to engage the services of a lawyer beyond consultation without issuing an official power of attorney.

How can I create a power of attorney?

In Turkey

When the power of attorney is prepared in Turkey, a visit to the notary is required. Turkish citizens can issue a power of attorney at the notary by presenting their ID card or “Mavi Kart” (Turkish residence permit).

For foreign clients, it is necessary to go to the notary with their passport. Initially, they need to have their passport translated into Turkish, and then the power of attorney will be prepared before a sworn translator.

Do not forget to contact our law firm before starting these steps. We are here to assist you.


Turkish citizens or holders of a “Mavi Kart” residing abroad can directly obtain a power of attorney through Turkish consulates or notaries abroad, along with an apostille.

For foreign clients, the power of attorney must be obtained in their own country from a notary. After our law firm provides a bilingual template of the power of attorney, this document must be signed before a notary. The notary verifies both the document and the signature. Once the power of attorney is notarized, an apostille endorsement must be affixed. This apostille endorsement is issued by the respective government authority of the country where the power of attorney was signed. Power of attorney documents from abroad without an apostille are not valid in Turkey and cannot be submitted to the court or other authorities.

Don’t forget to contact our law firm before initiating these steps. We are here to assist you.

Do I have to travel to Turkey in person to attend court hearings?

Except in cases where you, as the defendant, are required to make a statement in court, you do not need to attend court hearings in person. Your lawyer will represent you. However, it is possible that the Forensic Medicine Institute (Adli Tıp Kurumu) may summon you for an examination related to any injury or disability (see the following question and answer).

Do I have to travel to Turkey to be examined by an expert?

Before legal proceedings begin and during the course of these proceedings, you will be asked to provide current medical certificates and all medical documents regarding your health condition. Some courts and the Forensic Medicine Institute (Adli Tıp) consider these documents sufficient. Sometimes, it may be enough to undergo certain tests in hospitals in your country and provide us with the results. However, in some cases, the court or the Forensic Medicine Institute may summon you for an examination in Turkey. Again, we are here to assist you with the organization of this process.