Health Law

Nowadays, Turkey is among the leading countries in the field of health tourism worldwide. Tens of thousands of people visit Turkey each year for health tourism purposes. Some of these visitors choose Turkey for medical treatments, while the majority comes for beauty and aesthetic reasons. The reasons for the high preference for Turkey are primarily the quality of healthcare providers in the country and, of course, the fact that healthcare services in Turkey are offered at very affordable prices compared to other countries. Although these services are largely provided smoothly, it is, of course, a fact that some patients may encounter issues in certain cases and complain about the services received.

But what happens if, during a medical procedure, whether for aesthetic or therapeutic reasons, a patient is injured due to the negligence of the doctor or healthcare facility? Or if harm arises due to medical treatment that the patient has to undergo? Can damages be claimed in such circumstances? According to Turkish law, the answer to this question is “Yes.”

If there is an incident that can be referred to as “medical malpractice” during or in connection with the medical procedure, a compensation lawsuit can be filed against those responsible.

What can be claimed?

  • The costs of faulty medical procedures that were performed
  • The costs of a planned or already conducted corrective treatment (in Turkey or another country),
  • The loss of income during treatment if the patient couldn’t work,
  • Losses related to permanent physical impairments (please refer to the "Calculations" section on the page for physical damages),
  • The costs of transportation, accommodation, and other expenses related to medical treatment.
  • Lastly, of course, non-material damages claims for physical pain, suffering, and mental or psychological distress resulting from faulty medical procedures can be asserted.

Our law firm will guide you through the legal steps that should be taken after the incident, advise on what compensation can be sought, and determine the extent of the damages through our experienced attorneys.