Damages in traffic accidents

Every year, hundreds of thousands of vehicles arrive in our country by land. These vehicles are sometimes involved in traffic accidents for various reasons. In the event of an accident, the process that a person could easily work through under normal circumstances in their own country can become a challenging matter due to the stress, shock, and panic caused by the accident in a foreign country. To smoothly navigate this process, we recommend that you contact a lawyer immediately.

What can be demanded from those responsible?

  • Repair costs of the vehicle
  • Replacement value of the vehicle if it has suffered a total loss
  • Depreciation of the vehicle

What should the vehicle owner with a foreign license plate pay attention to?

Accident Determination Report

The accident report is the most important document in the event of a car accident in Turkey. To determine how the accident occurred and who was involved, it is of urgent importance to fill out the accident report correctly and without any missing information. If there were no injuries in the accident, neither the police nor the gendarmerie will assist in the report. This report is only created by those involved in the accident.

Photos of the accident scene

Since obtaining such evidence later can be difficult, it is absolutely necessary to take pictures after the accident.

Information about the vehicles and drivers involved in the accident

These information should already be included in the accident detection report. However, it is mandatory to obtain copies of documents such as identity, driver’s license, and registration.

These steps are the first ones that must be taken. However, these documents are unfortunately not sufficient to claim damages. Our office will provide you with detailed information about the legal procedures and necessary documents required.
Here are some of the most frequently asked questions by foreign vehicle owners with foreign license plates that we would like to share with you:

If your vehicle is roadworthy and you can return to your home country, you are not obliged to have your vehicle repaired in Turkey. Upon your return, you can claim the repair costs of your vehicle in your home country or the value of the vehicle in case of total loss based on the expert report you submitted.

The vehicle must be handed over to the customs. For a damaged vehicle, the value for a used vehicle can be claimed depending on the conditions in the owner’s home country.

In traffic accidents involving foreign vehicles in Turkey, the victims can claim damages for their vehicles in foreign currency (Dollar, Euro, etc.) and according to the conditions of the country where they reside.

Our law firm, through our specialized attorneys, will inform you about the legal steps required after the incident, the type of compensation that can be claimed, and the amount thereof.