Real Estate Matters

n recent years, Turkey has increasingly attracted the attention of foreign citizens in the real estate sector due to its incentives for foreign investors. This has led to a rise in real estate sales to foreign buyers. However, foreign investors face various challenges in the purchase, sale, and rental of real estate. These challenges include issues such as the simultaneous sale of the same property to multiple individuals, incidents of forged land registry entries, or difficulties in renting acquired properties to tenants.
The diversity of these challenges is extensive and not exhaustively listed. Nevertheless, our office offers a variety of services to provide support in this context, including:

  • Examination of the property to be acquired based on the title deed. Confirmation of the property owner, determination of whether any restrictions (mortgage, etc.) exist over the property.
  • Legal advice on transactions when purchasing real estate (validity of the real estate purchase contract, review of contracts to be concluded with the real estate agent).
  • Pursuing legal procedures for renting the property (especially preparing the lease agreement).
  • Resolution of disputes with the tenant (non-payment of rent, rent increases, eviction of the tenant, etc.).
  • Pursuing legal procedures when selling the property.