Recovery claims from foreign health insurance companies in Turkey

During their stay in Turkey, foreign nationals can be involved in traffic accidents, while abroad both for leisure or business purposes, and may sustain injuries. Most of these accident victims continue their medical treatment in their home countries once they return. The costs of treatment are covered by their respective health insurance providers. However, health insurance companies can seek reimbursement of the treatment costs from those responsible in Turkey.

Who is responsible for treatment costs?

The parties responsible for the treatment costs include the vehicle owner, the driver, the insurance of the at-fault vehicle, and the Turkish Social Security Institution (SGK).

In Turkey, there was a significant legal amendment in 2011. As a result of this change, the SGK became responsible for a large portion of treatment costs following traffic accidents, without being limited by a specific coverage. In legal proceedings, experts appointed by the courts determine the liability percentages of the SGK and private insurance. Naturally, these liability percentages and who can be held liable for the damage are individually assessed in each case by our law firm and communicated to our clients.

Claims related to recovery demands are subject to a complex legal framework and can be resolved in collaboration with experienced attorneys in the field. Since its establishment, our firm has successfully pursued and settled recovery claims from several foreign health insurance companies in Turkey. The foreign health insurance companies we represent include both public and private health insurance providers.