Travel Law

Every year millions of tourists visit Turkey. While our country generally offers favorable conditions for its guests at affordable prices, occasional problems can arise. These may sometimes be limited to minor financial losses related to such things as accommodation, but at times, more serious accidents can occur.

Accidents and problems that occur during the stay

Many of our clients come to Turkey on package tours, and sometimes the accommodation they stay in does not meet the expected standards or the promised holiday services are not fully provided. In such cases, compensation can be demanded from the accommodation facility or the tour operator.

During the stay, accidents can occasionally occur if some hotels do not take the necessary safety measures for their customers. For example, customers may fall and sustain injuries to ankles, knees, and even the spine due to improperly designed hotel pools and stairs. In such cases, it is possible to demand both material and non-material compensation from those responsible.

Accidents during extreme sports and activities

Turkey enjoys great geographical advantages for extreme sports and activities. Our clients often like to do extreme sports when spending their holidays in our country. The most commonly chosen sports include paragliding, rafting, skydiving, and bungee jumping. Additionally, hotels often offer banana boat rides, parasailing, ringo, and quad tours.

During the these sports or activities, certain precautions are occasionally neglected, which can lead to accidents. As a result, injuries ranging from mild to severe may occur. Consequently, material and non-material compensations can be demanded from those responsible.

Expensive souvenirs, carpets, and jewelry purchased during the vacation

The Turkish tourism industry has gained international recognition due to its diverse ethnic and modern influences, as well as a rich culture of jewelry, artifacts, carpets, and other souvenirs spanning from the past to the present. For this reason, tourists visiting our country often want to partake in this beautiful culture by acquiring some of the magnificent products they see.
Unfortunately, some of these products are sold at prices far above their actual value, putting a financial burden on tourists. This is caused by essentially two reasons. Firstly, for individuals who are not professionals in this field, it is almost impossible to recognize the actual value of these products. Secondly, the sales teams of sellers at resorts and travel agencies are extremely professional.

When all these factors come together, tourists tend to purchase products they don’t actually want, sometimes paying four or five times the actual value. These sales can range from low amounts of 1,000-2,000 euros to sales in the range of 50,000-100,000 euros. In some cases, it turns out that products promoted as certified are actually counterfeit.

If you find yourself in such a situation, it is advisable to seek legal advice immediately and determine what rights you have under the Turkish Consumer Protection Law.

What can we do for you in this situation?

  • If the legal conditions are met, we can obtain a refund by canceling the purchase contract
  • We can force a price reduction or exchange of the product
  • If a defect in the purchased product has occurred, the product can be replaced with a new one

Our client’s rights are initially asserted through out-of-court negotiations with the aim of reaching a settlement. However, if an agreement cannot be reached, legal steps may be taken.

The legal steps taken after the incident you experienced, the compensation claimed, and the amount sought will be explained to you by our specialized attorneys at the law firm.